Major issues of Big Cities

Big Cities

Factually speaking, in every country people used to live in two types of areas, urban & rural. Globally, most of the people live in rural areas. In rural areas, there are many regions where people live and do their work. Such regions are called cities and according to their boundary area and normally due to the history affiliated with them, also depend upon the population of that areas, they are categorized as large and small cities.

Now, first and foremost, if we talk about large cities, it is understood that there are more problems and pollutions in such regions , beacause of large number of population, as we know humans are the only specie that cause problems on land. In large cities, now a days, problems are incresing numerously, due to rapid increase of birth rate , various kinds of pollutions also hazardous diseases caused by such pollutions.

Traffic issues are also one of the major drawbacks of major cities, these are some reasons, beacause of that maintenance of major cities is always one of the biggest challenge of every government around the world and expertes are of the view that if this situation shouldn't be control in next some up-commig years it would become more challengeous for goverment as well as for public to overcome these problems and inhabitants of such regions would have to be suffered from all these severe situations which will affect them badly. 
Moreover, if we look deeply into all this matter, the main problems people have to face by living in such cities include shortage of water for domestic use even for drinking, in addition to this, pollution of various kinds like air pollution (i.e smog, acid rain & other environmental issues), land pollution  (i.e heaps of garbage everywhere), water pollution (i.e sewerage water on roads, for irrigation of crops & growth of aquatic animals) and noise pollution as well. Shortage of availability of local facilities in such areas is also due to large population.  All of above, even natural peace is not fall into the lot people live in large cities and with time they become fell into the diseases like hypertension, depression, nausea, sleeplessness, and much more.
Now, we have to struggle and labour a lot to pull our societies out of this danger. In this regard, some strategies that can be employed and by whom all these problems can be tackled are, every person who lives in such regions tries his best to live in well-mannered way and don't adopt such activiteis that put others in trouble. Excess use of technology must be prohibited in such areas. Government should also be use to change the infrastructure of these cities and must provide facilities to the inhabitants of these cities. Industries ought to be shifted to the outer-side of cities so the problems caused due to pollution will also be reduced to some extent. If all such measures should be adopted, people should live a happy and healthy life in big cities as well. 

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