Information Technology, is it Blessings or Curse?

Information Technology 

Literally speaking, present era is completely technological based and twenty first century is totally a modernized and advanced of all ages. In this centuary, man has made a great progress in every aspect of life. He provides too much facilities to himself to do different works. Even, now a days man-power has reduced to a great extent and technology takes up its place. And it is said that it would be reduced to zero in near future.

At present age, the most demanding and vastly growing field is un-doubtly 'information technology'. It worths equally in every part of the world because every country wants I.T experts to make progress by leaps and bounds and would lead the entire world only on the base of this.  Information technology helps people in different ways especially in their works. It helps people to do their work freely with-out getting bound to any particular place. It allows people to perform their work in any manner from any part of the world. It makes their work smart which can now easily be performed in no time. People earn their livelihood by sitting in their homes among their family. Also due to this, one can buy or sell goods or other items by sitting in their homes, it saves their energy & time.

According to the advocates of such thoughts, it is more beneficial to people around the world in different manners & it has less drawbacks. It helps us to work with any company around the world from anywhere and anytime. It also enables us to buy or sell products all over the world, in other words it gives birth to digital marketing. In short, we are at perfect liberty to claim that,information technology nourishes our mindset and changes our typical habits and thinkings. It brings ease in our lives. Even in todays era, education & knowledge also convay by this mean and lectures are deliver through this as-well. It is crystal clear that, practical work is getting reduced due to this day-by-day. 

Now, realistically speaking, according to the people with optimistic bent of mind , information technology is among one of the most amazing & useful upgradation in man's life. It brings mankind in a new and advanced world .

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