Early Marriage

It is admitted all over the world that the most precious and stable relationship among two persons is marriage. It is also the first ever relation of human history. Every person acknowledge that it is the most pretty and valuable relation between two persons. Marriage added numerous things in one's life. It changes one's life completely. A married and un-married person has lots of changes in their lives , personality,thoughts & behaviour.

Everyone knows that marriage is almost compulsory around the world. Every person sooner or later have to tie a knot. Like all other relations , this relation would also be a part of his\her's life. In this regard some people are of the view that early marriage is necessary. According to them, the legal age for marriage is early twenties. In this age, a person is quiet young , active , energetic & becomes mature as well . Also in this modern era youngsters are doing online work & earn their livelihood. So there is no reason to delay marriage of such persons. It also prevents a person from many other sins and evils. 

Factually speaking, there are many disadvantages of getting married late. It has many drawbacks for a person like in older age, a person is not as much active & healthy as he was in early twenties. Now, in the presence of the discussion, it would be bit easy to interpret the matter in a suitable manner, this prospect of the topic is of such significance that it basically explores different other dimensions of the material under our criticial analysis on large scale. In the same way, the advocates of such thought say's that it is appropriate to explain the positive aspect of this matter, Like marriage also makes a person responsible & he used to show a serious attitude towards all aspects of life,as well, in his early age which is beneficial to some  great extent . 

Now, winding up my plea, this should be praised on large scale & a campaign should be run as well ,all around the world to encourage every person on early marriage  & in this modern and fast era , I think a person of eighteen should be married also he would easily carry out this relation & lend a happy life ahead. This would also protect him\her from wrong deeds, so ,in this way a noble and well-mannered society came into being.